Saturday, October 18, 2008

October 18, 2008

You have all made me feel bad about not having something up and going to share with everyone! So, here it is. Things in Missouri are great. Dax is officially 11 months old today. It is amazing how fast he has grown and how quickly he learns. He is really working on walking. He will stand and take a few steps and then drop. He thinks it is so funny when he falls...I think it is the scariest thing I have ever experienced and if I could, I would put him in his crib and never let him out. I never wanted children, but Dax makes my life worth getting up everyday. He is my greatest accomplishment. The way he reacts to the simple things and just purely loves life will keep me young forever.

Since I am boasting on my family right now I will also toss in there that Gabe is the most amazing father. He even made a lady cry in Walmart the other day because she was so touched by how much she could see that he loves his son. It was very sweet. I thank God every day that he gave me a man to share my life with who is such a beautiful, kind spirit. I am very lucky and blessed.  Gabe is working on becoming a teacher while holding down a full time job and raising a son. He is my hero. I am so inspired by his dedication to better himself and make a wonderful life for his family. When I see him with our son I fall in love with him all over again.

The picture above is a pic of Dax and Gabe at a little carnival held in Holts Summit (where we live). They had a great time without me while I was gone to a training in Des Moines for work. Missouri is a great place to live and we love all the friends we have made here.

I will try to keep this posting updated, but no promises!